Yi-fan Du (Talum Isbabanal)
生於1980年,父親是高雄的布農族人,母親則是台北的閩南人。畢業於輔仁大學影像傳播學系,之後赴法國Philippe Gaulier國際劇場學校以及德國Familie Flöz弗洛茲面偶默劇團,學習面具、通俗劇及諷刺劇。集編劇、導演、演員、新聞記者專業,不僅在劇場界耕耘,更長期投入原住民新聞議題的攝影工作。
Yi-fan Du (Talum Isbabanal)
Born in 1980. His father is a Bunun, one Indigenous group, from Kaohsiung, and his mother is a Taipei-based Hoklo Taiwanese. After graduating from the Department of Communication Arts at Fu Jen Catholic University, he went to École International de Theatre Philippe Gaulier (International Theater School Philippe Gaulier) in France and Familie Flöz, a German-based theatre company, to learn masks, popular dramas and satires. Skilled in playwright, theatre director, actor, and journalist, he has not only worked in the theatre field but has also been involved in the photography of Indigenous news issues for a long time. “Disappearance and Rebirth of the Stone Slab Houses” won the Best TV Special Report of 2016 Excellent Journalism Award, “That Girl” won Honorable Mention of 2019 Taipei Fringe Festival, “Energy Transformation of Sun Moon Lake” series was shortlisted around 2019 Tseng Hsu-pai Journalism Award and Delta Energy and Climate Special Award, thus it can be seen that he is good at storytelling through video and drama. Now he and his wife keep paying attention to and recording the living conditions of Taiwanese Indigenous peoples in the urban and communities, which become his future art practice.