Video Arts
Uki Bauki, Kavalan people of pateRungan community in Hualien county. She is an image archivist and documentary film worker. Graduated from university in 2004 and started working in image and media related work since, including feature film, film, and television program production. In recent years, she dedicated herself to the establishment of indigenous image archive and database, using them to support indigenous historical views and the core values of culture. By applying and researching document image and image database, she combs through the historical context and claim the ideals of indigenous subjectivity. Furthermore, she transfers indigenous perspective through image creation, communicate with the mainstream society and engage in dialogues, hoping the society co-inhabited by the indigenous and Han peoples can set aside prejudice, understand and respect one another.
Honorable Mention 4th Pulima Art Award, 2018
Honorable Mention 4th Pulima Art Award, 2018