Reuben Keehan是澳洲昆士蘭現代美術館的當代亞洲藝術策展人,為2012、2015、2018年的亞太當代藝術三年展策展人,他擁有多年在非營利公部門的經歷,包括雪梨Artspace策展人及其專欄編輯(2006–11)。他近期的策展合作計畫包括:Yayoi Kusama: Life is the heart of a rainbow (新加坡國家美術館,2017-18); Time of others (東京都當代美術館、大阪國立美術館及新加坡美術館,2014-15); 以及 Out of Doubt: Roppongi Crossing 2013 (東京森美術館, 2013). 他是di’van: A Journal of Accounts的編輯顧問。
Reuben Keehan is Curator, Contemporary Asian Art, at the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, where he has been a curator of the 2012, 2015 and 2018 Asia Pacific Triennials. With a long history in the public and non-profit sectors, he was previously Curator at Artspace, Sydney (2006–11) and editor of its journal Column. His recent curatorial collaborations include Yayoi Kusama: Life is the heart of a rainbow (National Gallery Singapore, 2017-18); Time of others (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, National Museum of Art Osaka, and Singapore Art Museum, 2014-15); and Out of Doubt: Roppongi Crossing 2013 (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2013). He is an Editorial Advisor to di’van: A Journal of Accounts.
Reuben Keehan is Curator, Contemporary Asian Art, at the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, where he has been a curator of the 2012, 2015 and 2018 Asia Pacific Triennials. With a long history in the public and non-profit sectors, he was previously Curator at Artspace, Sydney (2006–11) and editor of its journal Column. His recent curatorial collaborations include Yayoi Kusama: Life is the heart of a rainbow (National Gallery Singapore, 2017-18); Time of others (Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, National Museum of Art Osaka, and Singapore Art Museum, 2014-15); and Out of Doubt: Roppongi Crossing 2013 (Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2013). He is an Editorial Advisor to di’van: A Journal of Accounts.