當代音樂 Live music
舞炯恩 Utjung 排灣族新星全才歌手,2017年以一首「擁抱世界擁抱你」拿下台北世界大學運動主題曲徵選冠軍與開幕嘉賓,更破下以排灣傳統歌謠之創作,首位排灣歌手在YouTube打破千萬點擊的創作者,成為樂壇最受關注音樂製作人。2018年跨領域演出國片電影「阿莉芙」擔任主角演出,入圍亞太影展〈最佳新人〉,入選東京影展競賽類的台灣電影,最終獲得台北電影節的肯定,拿下〈最佳新進演員〉獎。2020年發行首張數位專輯「Apaz根」入圍金音獎最佳另類流行專輯;更被樂壇稱為最強主題曲製作人,親自操刀及演唱〈全國原住民族運動會〉、〈WOW高雄世界女性藝術節〉、〈斜坡上的藝術節街舞大賽主題曲〉、〈台北市原住民族文化季〉等地方至國際的運動會和藝術節主題曲。
Utjung is a Paiwan multi-talented rising star. In 2017, he won the XXIX Summer Universiade theme song competition and was the opening performer with his hit song "Embrace the World with You." He also broke new ground in Paiwan traditional music, becoming the first Paiwan artist to surpass tens of millions of views on YouTube, making him one of the most attention-worthy music producers in the industry. In 2018, he took on a lead role in the Taiwanese film "Alifu, The Prince/ss," which earned him a nomination for Best New Actor at the Asia Pacific Film Festival. The film was also selected for competition at the Tokyo International Film Festival and received acclaim at the Taipei Film Festival, where Utjung won the Best New Actor award. In 2020, he released his debut digital album "Apaz," which was nominated for the Golden Indie Music Awards for Best Alternative Pop Album. Utjung is widely regarded as a prolific theme song producer and has created and performed theme songs for various local and international events, including the National Indigenous Games, WOW Kaohsiung World Women's Arts Festival, and the Street Dance Competition song for the Kacalisiyan Arts Festival, Taipei Indigenous Culture Festival, and among others.
Utjung is a Paiwan multi-talented rising star. In 2017, he won the XXIX Summer Universiade theme song competition and was the opening performer with his hit song "Embrace the World with You." He also broke new ground in Paiwan traditional music, becoming the first Paiwan artist to surpass tens of millions of views on YouTube, making him one of the most attention-worthy music producers in the industry. In 2018, he took on a lead role in the Taiwanese film "Alifu, The Prince/ss," which earned him a nomination for Best New Actor at the Asia Pacific Film Festival. The film was also selected for competition at the Tokyo International Film Festival and received acclaim at the Taipei Film Festival, where Utjung won the Best New Actor award. In 2020, he released his debut digital album "Apaz," which was nominated for the Golden Indie Music Awards for Best Alternative Pop Album. Utjung is widely regarded as a prolific theme song producer and has created and performed theme songs for various local and international events, including the National Indigenous Games, WOW Kaohsiung World Women's Arts Festival, and the Street Dance Competition song for the Kacalisiyan Arts Festival, Taipei Indigenous Culture Festival, and among others.