當代音樂 Live music
台玖線樂團成立於2007年 台灣的東部,花蓮,是團員相遇,發跡夢想,創作,表演的地方。 由五位來自布農族及排灣族的青年組成,創作簡單,就單純想唱自己的歌,從生活中的感動、生命的互動以屬於我們的音樂方式呈現,創作形式及風格不拘,搖滾、藍調、原民風、輕音樂、和聲、福音音樂以及族語創作等等。 以台九線公路諧音為命名,是一條台灣最美、最長的公路,就像人生一樣,有起落,有高山低谷,有海洋平原。 彼此長年來的經歷、累績了屬於我們當代原住民青年創作者的方式,用音樂、用母語串起連結使命,並延續下去。
The Siva 9 Band was established in 2007. In the eastern part of Taiwan, Hualien, is the place where our members meet each others, create music, perform and dream of becoming successful. Five Taiwan Indigenous young people from the Bunun tribe and Paiwan tribe formed the band. Our music were made according to the life experiences and were presented in various style, such as rock, blues, aboriginal folk music, light music, harmony, gospel and ethnic language creation, etc. We simply just want to sing who we are and share the touched moments in life. We named the band after the homophonic of the highway No.9 in mandarin. Not just because it is the most beautiful and longest highway in Taiwan, but also because there are lots of mountains and valleys, ocean and plains, just like our lives—so many ups and downs, and yet so many breathtaking moments. Through the experiences in our lives, we have accumulated the energy of young indigenous creators in this generation. We hope that our music and ethnic language songs could become a link to the mission which is let people keep singing their own songs.
The Siva 9 Band was established in 2007. In the eastern part of Taiwan, Hualien, is the place where our members meet each others, create music, perform and dream of becoming successful. Five Taiwan Indigenous young people from the Bunun tribe and Paiwan tribe formed the band. Our music were made according to the life experiences and were presented in various style, such as rock, blues, aboriginal folk music, light music, harmony, gospel and ethnic language creation, etc. We simply just want to sing who we are and share the touched moments in life. We named the band after the homophonic of the highway No.9 in mandarin. Not just because it is the most beautiful and longest highway in Taiwan, but also because there are lots of mountains and valleys, ocean and plains, just like our lives—so many ups and downs, and yet so many breathtaking moments. Through the experiences in our lives, we have accumulated the energy of young indigenous creators in this generation. We hope that our music and ethnic language songs could become a link to the mission which is let people keep singing their own songs.