視覺藝術 Visual arts
屏東 排灣族人,畢業於臺北藝術大學,起初,嘗試透過多媒材來創作繪畫,例如:壓克力彩、複合媒材⋯等等。近3年大多以油畫創作爲主,描繪的主題大多是環境、物種與人類之間的關係,在看似分別獨立的個體,在作品中呈現組合且重疊的另一種角色。
The indigenous peoples of Paiwan tribe .
Graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts, at first, tried to create paintings through multiple media, such as: acrylic, composite media... etc. In the past three years, most of the oil paintings as the main theme, depicting the theme of the environment, species and the relationship between people,in the seemingly separate and independent individuals, in the works of the combination and overlap of another role.
The indigenous peoples of Paiwan tribe .
Graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts, at first, tried to create paintings through multiple media, such as: acrylic, composite media... etc. In the past three years, most of the oil paintings as the main theme, depicting the theme of the environment, species and the relationship between people,in the seemingly separate and independent individuals, in the works of the combination and overlap of another role.