生長於屏東排灣族達瓦蘭部落,出自工藝家族即是Pulima世家,從青少年時期便對於自身族群的歷史深感興趣,亦開始從耆老們的記憶找尋。 為了延續逐漸凋零的部落文化,長年投入部落田調,以圖文並茂的手稿作系統性的蒐集、描繪與整理。 他也是台灣原住民當代藝術指標性藝術家,作品形式多元,舉凡繪畫、雕塑、建築及裝置等皆為其所擅長。 撒古流將自己放在思想啟蒙的位置上,也因此影響了許多優秀的藝文創作者。
‘I expect myself to be a drop of water but not the water containers as a ladle, a bowl, or a cup so that I could provide the essentials to lots of people as well as nourish many things.’ -- Sakuliu Pavavalung
Born and raised in a Paiwan village in Walan, Pingtong, Sakuliu heritages his family name as Pulima, the craftsmen. He has been intrigued by his own people’s history since and keeps looking into the elderlies’ memories since he was a teenager. In order to save the tribe culture from dying and extend its life and vitality, Sakuliu dedicates years in field research in his tribe and systematically collects, describes, and organizes all his research in his manual scripts with illustrations and texts. Being one of the leading indigenous contemporary artists in Taiwan, he makes works in various media spreading from painting, sculpture, architecture to installation. Sakuliu places himself as an inspirer and makes influence to many upcoming arts makers.