表演藝術 Heritage dance
娜麓灣樂舞劇團是目前官方設立,由原住民族委員會指導,原住民族文化發展中心扶植的劇團。劇團成立於 1990 年初春,係常年駐園於屏東縣瑪家鄉的臺灣原住民族文化園區,亦常受邀參加國內外節慶及藝文等活動展演,所有展演內容均透過實地部落踏查及訪談,以部落為主體,將台灣原住民族16族群樂舞紀錄彙整,透過詮釋轉化為表演藝術的形式,向全世界推廣台灣原住民族珍貴文化。除了國內邀演,近年參與國際南島重要文化或旅遊盛事,107年前往德國參與「2018柏林旅展及歐洲城市觀光推廣活動」、泰國曼谷參加「2018曼谷國際書展」、索羅門群島出席「第六屆美拉尼亞藝術文化節」、108年原發中心主辦帛琉博物館臺灣文化展示區暨文化合作協定簽署儀式、紐西蘭參與「2023紐西蘭臺灣日」,及日本辦理2024年「⽇本民族共生象徵空間簽署合作備忘錄暨博物館、樂舞及工藝交流計畫」。
The NaLuWan Dance Troupe(NDT) was established in 1990. Currently the Troupe belongs to the Indigenous Peoples Cultural Development Center, Council of Indigenous Peoples and is the permanent performing group at the Cultural Park. The Troupe has a total of 40 members and performs traditional dances and traditional rituals from all of the sixteen indigenous tribes in Taiwan. Aside from many oversea performances, every year, the troupe hosts a nation-wide tour in Taiwan to promote traditional music and dances in Taiwan and to provide another option for mainstream society to appreciate Indigenous cultures. Indigenous music and dance of Taiwan is gaining popularity both domestically and internationally. The Troupe works hard to develop new performances by integrating technology, leading indigenous music and dance to a delicate and professional culture that can proudly stand in the mainstream in the world of art.
The NaLuWan Dance Troupe(NDT) was established in 1990. Currently the Troupe belongs to the Indigenous Peoples Cultural Development Center, Council of Indigenous Peoples and is the permanent performing group at the Cultural Park. The Troupe has a total of 40 members and performs traditional dances and traditional rituals from all of the sixteen indigenous tribes in Taiwan. Aside from many oversea performances, every year, the troupe hosts a nation-wide tour in Taiwan to promote traditional music and dances in Taiwan and to provide another option for mainstream society to appreciate Indigenous cultures. Indigenous music and dance of Taiwan is gaining popularity both domestically and internationally. The Troupe works hard to develop new performances by integrating technology, leading indigenous music and dance to a delicate and professional culture that can proudly stand in the mainstream in the world of art.